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Nutrition for Menstrual Health

Enhance Menstrual Well-being➝

Nourishment through Menstrual-Friendly Foods

Did you know your diet influences your menstrual cycle? A balanced diet can regulate hormones and ease symptoms, while a poor one can cause irregularity and discomfort.

Join our 'Take Charge of Your Menstrual Health' program for personalized guidance today with our menstrual health experts!

"Good nutrition isn't just about overall health; it's about menstrual health too. Nutrient-rich foods can positively impact hormonal balance, reducing period-related issues."

Dr. Felice Gersh, MD, OB/GYN

"Nutrition is a powerful tool for supporting menstrual wellness. Whole foods, balanced macronutrients, and mindful eating can help optimize your menstrual cycle and overall health."

Dr. Brooke Kalanick, ND

Exercise for Menstrual Health

Enhance Menstrual Well-being ➝

Period-Positive Fitness

Exercise is scientifically proven to benefit menstrual health. Incorporating moderate physical activity can alleviate menstrual pain, enhance mood, and promote overall well-being. Don't skip your workout during your period—it can be a valuable ally for menstrual health.

Join our 'Take charge of Your Menstrual Health' program today for personalized guidance from our menstrual health experts!

A 2019 research study titled 'Exercise for Dysmenorrhea,' conducted by the NICM Health Research Institute, concluded that '...exercise, when performed for approximately 45 to 60 minutes each session, three times per week or more, regardless of intensity, may lead to a clinically significant reduction in menstrual pain intensity.'

According to a 2016 research study titled 'Stretching or Core Strengthening Exercises for Managing Primary Dysmenorrhea' by Hend S. Saleh, it was found that women who engaged in stretching and core strengthening exercises experienced a notable decrease in pain intensity during their menstrual cycles, in contrast to those who did not participate in these exercises.